where we are : in a state of continuous flow
Get to know me
Hey you, thanks for stopping by! My name is Moni. I was born and raised in the PNW but currently live in LA. There hasn't been one time in my life I don't remember being involved with beauty and wellness in some way shape or form.
I grew up dancing and even took it to a semi pro level at the young age of 15 dancing in New York with a major African American Dance company called Dance Theatre of Harlem. I was a student athlete and participated on the dance team. I have been an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer since 2018, LPG Certified Endermologist since 2021, and Certified Stretch Therapist since 2021. Modeling and influencing has allowed me to be creative in this realm from making my own hair and skin products to shooting with major fitness brands like Nike and Athleta. At the moment, I am currently signed to 3 major agencies. So yeah I've been pretty active even up until this point lol.
I wasn't always active though. I've been down mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and even physically. Completely hit rock bottom and neglected myself. Injuries started showing up left and right, gut issues and skin issues came up along with the mental break downs and having crazy panic attacks. I was a hot mess and didn't know how to manage myself.
So why in·fluxx ?
Going through life, I eventually came to an inner standing that we are the masters of our own reality. And it took me a very long time to really grasp this. A dear friend of mine introduced me to Alan Watts, an English Philosopher who translator of Eastern wisdom. Alan Watts believed to "integrate the spiritual with the material" and knew that this could be achieved by "accepting your own karma", paving "your own way", and "following your own weird."
Like others who practice buddhism, Allan Watts encouraged people to live in a state of continuous flow. Being adaptable to life circumstance, be open-minded, and optimistic. This is something I have to consciously do every day because I have moments were I start ruminating and go down the rabbit hole of negative thinking. Some days are harder than others. But I'm on a mission to discover myself with this way of life and offer services that benefit one's overall wellbeing. I partake in the services I offer and realize how important they have been to me on this expedition called life.
All in all
I am on this journey of being in·fluxx just like you. I look forward to sharing more about my services, beauty and wellness tips, challenges, and products in the near future!
I Invite you to comment your favorite way you like to be in·fluxx and what changes you have noticed with your practice. Let's Flow !